I will start this blog with a fun fact:
Do you know why Kubernetes is also referred to as K8s.
Because, there are 8 letters between the alphabet K and S.
Okay! Now, let’s start this blog by answering this very important question, What happens when you run a kubectl command?
Note:The crux of this blog will revolve more around the architecture of Kubernetes.
What is Kubectl?
In simple words, Kubectl is a command line tool to interact with the Kubernetes cluster and It looks like this,
Kuberctl run nginx –image-nginx
For the purpose of this blog, I will assume that your Kubernetes cluster is deployed and you have all the necessary components in place.
Type Kuberctl run nginx –image-nginx to run nginx (NGINX is a web server) pod .
With this command, we are basically telling Kubernetes that we want to run our nginx container in our cluster.
This request first goes to API server.
Note : When we are talk about kubernetes, we have to consider that we will be dealing with some machines. It can be BareMetal machines, Raspberry PI or Virtual Machines. In this case, let’s say we have two virtual machines.
We will call one VM as worker node and another VM as control plane node. When we issued a command to run NGINX , it will run on the worker node, which means, this VM will be actually running our NGINX container.
And the control plane node will manage everything.
Let’s discuss mode about control plane node and how the container is getting managed.
What is API server?
API server: It is the main brain of Kubernetes. Anything that you are doing with kubernetes will go to API server. All the calls that you provide either with YAML file or JSON file or CLI goes to the API Server
After running Kuberctl run nginx –image-nginx to run nginx pod command ,
- The API Server will perform Authentication, Authorization, Admission.
- User is authenticated with the headers passed, then Authorized by RBAC.
- Admission will be done as per the policies. It will check and validate the kubectl command parameter and validate it.
- Then, it will saved in ETCD.
What is ETCD?
It is a component in the control plane node which acts as key value store for kubernetes cluster. All the cluster states and cluster information is saved in ETCD.
For HA, we need 3 ETCD nodes following (2n+1) formula where n is FTT value. In case of ETCD, RAFT Algorithm is used to conduct the election and choose Master and Slave between the multiple ETCD nodes.
After API server perform the authentication, authorization and admission of the request to run NGINX container.
Kube Scheduler comes into the picture.
Kube Scheduler?
The job of the scheduler is to find the best fit node to run the pod.
Scheduler is aware about the capacity of the worker node. Since, it has all the information, it intelligently chooses the appropriate node where the pod should be running.
Once the labels are updated in the pod, it will pass on this information to API Server and API Server will save this information ETCD.
Note: Only API Server will talk to ETCD. Rest all other components will only talk to the API Server.
All this was happening in the control plane node. Now, the process moves on the the worker node. In this section we will talk about the major components in the worker node starting with Kubelet.
What is a Kubelet:
Kubelet is the component in the worker node which keeps on polling API server to check if any container/pod needs to run.
In the control plane node, Kube-scheduler always keeps track of what and where the container needs to run. As soon as the API Server, get the message from the Kube Scheduler that a container needs to run, it will inform the kubelet.
Informing the Kubelet involves passing on full information about the container/pod to the Kubelet. Now the Kubelet has all the information about the container.
Kubelet will then talk to CRI (controller Runtime Interface) , CNI (Controller Network Interface) and CSI (Controller Storage Interface). Some processes which go on during this step are fetching the image from the registry, attaching the network, setting the IP Address, attaching the storage.
What is Kube-Proxy?
Kube-Proxy is the component in the worker node which maintains the network rules on the node. The pods need to communicate with the pods in the same node or pods in the different node. The network rules maintained by kube-proxy aloows network communication to pod from the network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.
Now, that Scheduler has decided and Kubelet has initiated the process, we will have a running container/pod in the node chosen by the Kube-Scheduler.
Disclaimer: The process explained above is not the technical deep dive into Kubernetes, rather in this blog I have mentioned only a few major components in the Kubernetes Architecture. The intend to write this blog is to give you a fair idea about how the container/pod is created.
KUBERNETES universe is very vast and there is much much more to it.
Keep Learning || Keep Sharing :)
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